Friday, April 22, 2011

Early Morning Blog Tutorial

Although it was a struggle to wake up before 10 AM during spring break, I was eager to attend the blog tutorial. As I walked in, I saw other ILC students moving purposefully around the room, setting up extension cords and computers. I felt slightly nervous at meeting so many new people, but I quickly relaxed and enjoyed interacting with my ILC cohorts. We soon got down to business, after singing “Happy Birthday” to Taylor Doty, a fellow El Cerrito student.

Don explained many aspects of blogging, from titles to formatting to graphics. I have never been good with technology, but luckily for me, Don had prepared a detailed agenda packet covering everything that he had spoken about. I plan on studying it closely in my spare time. I was especially interested in his descriptions of photo editing, and I enjoyed hearing about adjusting quality and resolution.

After the blogging and photography portions of the tutorial, Don covered several miscellaneous items on the agenda. He reminded us of proper ILC protocol and regaled us with several horror stories about past years. I was a little shocked to hear about the behavior of some of the past participants, and I hope that none of us will become a cautionary example for future students.

I really enjoyed the chance to finally meet everyone and learn to blog, although I'm sure I need to practice my blogging. The tutorial has definitely made me more eager for the Brown alumni dinner that looms over the horizon. I also can’t wait to go to Brown this summer. I hope to see everyone again soon!
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