Monday, July 11, 2011

Girls' Class

Today was the first day of class in our Women and Leadership course. It wasn't at all what I expected. However, I really really enjoyed it. I was very worried that we would have dry book work. But we did so many interactive activities. I had a great time. We have already made a bunch of friends. The environment in the class is very caring and supportive. I am so comfortable with the girls in my class. I feel comfortable speaking my opinion and knowing that nobody will judge me. I look forward to spending time with these girls and getting to know them better. I want to learn more about myself as a leader and as a person in general. I think the most important thing of all is understanding the importance of taking care of the people around you. The girls in our class have a very developed sense of that.

I met people from other programs too and we are planning on having a soccer pick-up game at sometime. We all use nicknames because it is just easier and it makes us feel closer. Today we got a peacock feather from a shopkeeper and he said it was lucky. Then Katie broke it and had horrible luck for the rest of the day. Funny things happen in Rhode Island. I can't wait for class tomorrow. But I need to leave because I have 30 pages of reading and 3 pages of writing to do tonight! Goodnight!

Sorry for the lack of pictures, I am having great difficulty uploading them for some reason!

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